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The Urban Mom Collective
Four Pillars


Equity within urban education.


Curing hood trauma™️ to end inner city gun violence.


Equality and access in career and entrepreneurship.

Access to better care and resources for mom and her family’s mental, physical and emotional health.




Brother's Hug


The Urban Mom Collective is a Coalition of mom activists, bloggers, mom influencers etc. that are dedicated to impacting the lives of Black Moms within the urban community. This movement was founded by Ariel DeNey Rainey, CEO of the Hustle Mommies nonprofit, as a way to unite with other Black moms and mom movements passionate about the state of Black moms and their families. This collective of moms are dedicated to fighting for change and ensuring Black moms voices are elevated and that we have seats at the tables that can make the biggest difference in our communities.
Beaded Necklace

Black Moms in America: Facts

Black mothers are 20% less likely than their white counterparts to have a partner to share the load.

30% of Black moms have a hard time finding healthcare versus 19% of white moms who feel the same.

While overall only 61% of mothers report getting at least 6 hours of sleep this drops to 48% among black mothers.

Money is a source of pressure for 16% of younger-generation black mothers compared to 10% of white mothers but money dominates as a big relationship pressure for 69% of older-generation black mothers.

One-third of millennial and gen z black mothers say they feel "frustrated" by the idea of combining work and motherhood but another third say they feel “optimistic" about the idea, and 13% feel "empowered".

36% of Black mothers report that paying for childcare "often" or "always" causes financial stress compared to 29% of white mothers.

Millennial and Gen z black mothers are just as likely to breastfeed as white mothers, which marks a distinct generational trend but just one third of gen x black mothers report having breastfed, as compared to 85% of white gen x mothers.

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